Unloved and Pills
Kategori: Allmänt
I am only a nobody in this prodigious world
The norm wants me to be like everyone else
Boys will be boys but me i'm running on pills
I do not want to live or talk i have to much pain
For my kin i get help so they will think im ok
Psychosocial crazy treatment and amfetamin pills
Sitting at class and suddenly breaking down in pain
I cry and my body hurts and ure just to blind to see
That i only live because i've got pills in me
Moma used to beat me
Papa psych assaulted me
I grew up with agony
Hatred is all i see, and darkness everyday
My world painted in blood and fear everywhere
You used me as ure useless puppet doll
You don't know it yet but you killed me that is all
Why do you think i'm crazy
It's you who did this to me
Nowhere to turn no more,
Love is gone and i'm left in my cold room
But a confession to make
You came and once i scored
I woke up to see an angel in my bed
Now ure gone and i turned my way to the angel of death
The only way to see the only way to hear
Feed me with strong amfetamin pills
And make me pretend i care about my life
I just want to go away dig my grave and sleep away
No matter if it's hell or heaven just let me dream
Better of dead than sitting here alone in pain
Unloved and eating amfetamin pills